President Commissioner
Asmai Ishak, born on January 26, 1959, in Bangkalan, and now domiciled in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He serves as the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas according to the Circular Decision of the Shareholders outside the GMS of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Number KP.03/14/7/2/MTA/UT/PI.II-2020 and Number SK.003/PII-SK.07/VII/2020, July 14, 2020, regarding the Dismissal and Appointment of Members of the Commissioner of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.
Asmai Ishak graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Economics at the Islamic University of Indonesia in 1984 and continued his education to earn a master’s degree in Business Administration at the School of Management and Marketing, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia in 1989, then earned a Ph.D. from the School of Marketing, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia in 2002.
Prior to his career as the Board of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, he served as the Dean of International Program UII (2011-2014), the Commissioner of BPD Bengkulu (2016-2020), Treasurer of the Communication Forum for the Board of Commissioners/Supervision of the West BPD Region (2017-present).