Shareholders Composition

Share Ownership of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas as of 31 January 2022.

Shareholders Number of Shares (Sheet) Issued and Fully Paid Capital (Rp) Ownership Percentage (%)
Share ownership of 5% or more      
PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas 24.750 24.750.000.000 99.00 %
Ownership under 5%      
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama 250 250.000.000 1,00%
Total 25.000 100,00%

Shares Nominal Value = IDR 1,000,000/sheet

  • PT IPC Terminal Petikemas only has two holding companies that own shares.
  • PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, namely PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas with share ownership of 99.00% and PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama of 1.00%.