GCG Guidelines

Whistleblowing System

The Whistleblowing System (WBS) is implemented to strengthen the implementation of Good Corporate Governance in order to provide opportunities for all PT IPC Terminal Petikemas personnel and stakeholders to submit reports regarding indications of violations of applicable ethical values, based on good intentions and accountable evidence.

PT IPC Terminal Petikemas as part of the Pelindo Group provides a system for reporting fraudulent acts, corruption, and extortion for all stakeholders who have information and wish to report an act indicating a violation committed by PT IPC Terminal Petikemas personnel.

Through this system, PT IPC Terminal Petikemas can become a better company and have competitiveness at both the National and International levels. This system is managed by an independent party and allows the confidentiality of the identity of the Reporting Party so as to avoid retaliation by the Reported Party.

Call the contact below or click the WPS PELINDO BERSIH link to access the Pelindo whistleblowing system, Pelindo Bersih:

Pelindo Bersih
Phone.                   : +62 21 2782 2345
Faksimile             : +62 21 27823456
SMS/ WhatsApp : +62 811 933 2345
Email                     : pelindobersih@whistleblowing.link
Pos                         : Pelindo Bersih
PO Box 1074
JKAS 12010