President Director
Guna Mulyana has been appointed as the President Director of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas based on the Decision of Shareholders Meeting outside the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No: HM.03.03/2/3/1/PAPU/PAPU/DRTU/PLTP-23 and No: SK-006/PII-SK.D/III/2023 regarding the Change of Board of Directors of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas.
Guna Mulyana was born in Tasikmalaya on July 21, 1967. He graduated in Civil Law from Jendral Sudirman University in 1991 and then obtained a Master of Science degree from the World Maritime University in Sweden in 2000.
He began his career at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) in 1993. Before being appointed as the President Director of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, he served as Commercial Director of PT New Priok Container Terminal One (2019 – 2020), General Manager of Tanjung Priok Port Branch (2020 – 2021), and Regional Head of Regional 2 (2021 – 2022).