• January 26, 2022

Jakarta, January 26, 2022 – IPC Terminal Petikemas/IPC TPK received the OP Award 2021 organized by the Tanjung Priok Main Port Authority in the category of Best Terminal Contribution to Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) received by Aditiya Irfan Rahman, Senior Assistant Manager of Ship Planning at IPC TPK. This award was achieved because IPC TPK was deemed to provide the best services and contributions to service users throughout 2021.

The OP Awards 2021 aim to provide appreciation, support, and motivation to stakeholders in the Tanjung Priok Port environment for their efforts to improve performance, increase digitalization of port services, and productivity in the field of maritime transportation.

“This award is an achievement for IPC TPK in providing the best contribution to the nation in line with our mission to build an integrated Terminal Petikemas network to support the reduction of logistics costs and the increase of national trade. This award serves as motivation for IPC TPK to continue to contribute even better through improved performance and loading and unloading services,” said IPC TPK President Director, Wahyu Hardiyanto.

Earlier this January, IPC Terminal Petikemas participated in the judging session held at the IPC Terminal Petikemas headquarters. The OP Award event is held regularly every year to invite all stakeholders to work together to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the port.