• January 29, 2022

Bogor, January 29th 2022 – IPC Terminal Petikemas held the Customer Awards & Gathering 2022 event in Bogor. Inviting all customers and business partners, this annual event was held to show appreciation to service users, explore collaboration potential, increase the company’s engagement with core service users, and improve relationships between customers and business partners.

“In 2021, IPC TPK successfully handled 2.7 million TEUs of containers. Our achievement is inseparable from the support of our customers and good collaboration with business partners. We hope that the cooperation and synergy that have been established can continue to be improved and IPC TPK can continue to optimize its services through various digitization efforts,” said IPC TPK President Director, Wahyu Hardiyanto.

The event began with a dinner together and morning sports activities. Customers and business partners enthusiastically participated in a series of activities, including a leisurely bicycle ride and mini golf tournament. Attended by IPC TPK’s Commercial and Business Development Director, David Sirait, Domestic Shipping Lines, International Shipping Lines, Domestic Partners, International Partners, and IPC TPK’s management team, the event was conducted in compliance with health protocols. This was the first time IPC TPK gave appreciation to customers and partners with the best contributions and performance throughout 2021. The recipients of the appreciation awards were:

Top Domestic Shipping Line category award recipients:

  1. Meratus Line
  2. Tanto Intim Line
  3. Salam Pacific Indonesia Lines (SPIL)

Top International Shipping Line category award recipients:

  1. Caraka Tirta Perkasa (CTP)
  2. Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC)
  3. Samudera Shipping Line

Top Stevedoring Partner category award recipients:

  1. Dwipahasta Utama Duta (DHU)
  2. Olah Jasa Andal (OJA)
  3. Temas Port

Top New Service Shipping Line category award recipients:

  1. Kaiso Line
  2. Meratus Line (Ocean Going Service)
  3. Pulau Laut Line

On this occasion, IPC TPK’s Commercial and Business Development Director, David P. Sirait, expressed his gratitude to customers and partners for their trust and cooperation in 2021, which resulted in a 5% increase in total throughput for IPC TPK. David also opened a discussion to receive feedback and suggestions from customers and partners so that IPC TPK can provide better services in 2022 than in previous years.