Bandar Lampung, August 30, 2023 – IPC Terminal Petikemas / IPC TPK encourages the wives of loading and unloading workers (TKBM), port cleaning workers and the community around the IPC TPK Panjang area to have additional income through entrepreneurship training. This training is part of the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program which aims to build hardskill and softskill capabilities in order to open business opportunities in line with SDGs Number 08, namely supporting inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
“This activity is part of the IPC TPK Social Responsibility Program. It is hoped that this training can support the growth of MSMEs and Lampung’s economy with the presence of new entrepreneurs. In terms of hard skills, participants receive training in cooking skills, in terms of soft skills in the form of business planning stages, presentation of packaging, selection of ingredients to pricing.” said IPC TPK President Director, Guna Mulyana.
It is known that the MSME sector and Small and Medium Industries (SMI) are still one of the pillars of Lampung’s economic growth in 2022. MSMEs also play a role in shaping and contributing to gross domestic product. In addition, its role is also able to expand absorption and employment opportunities and create job vacancies.
“Alhamdulillah, there is a lot of knowledge gained and today’s training is fun. In the future, we will try again at home and will be produced and then we will try to sell it. Thank you IPC TPK. Hopefully more and more parties will support the progress of MSMEs in Lampung,” said Hani, one of the training participants from Kemiling, Lampung.
This entrepreneurship training was attended by 25 people consisting of the wives of loading and unloading workers (TKBM), port cleaning personnel and the community around the IPC TPK Panjang Area area. The participants were given knowledge about the procedures for making market snacks such as Solo Sausage, Kue Ku, Mud Cake, Soes Buah, Risol Mayo, Lemper and Soes Tiger. All participants were very enthusiastic in attending the training in collaboration with LKP RMP Baking & Course, a facilitator who has given birth to many new entrepreneurs.
“Later, we through the facilitators will assist participants in starting a business. This activity is in line with one of the priorities of TJSL holding Pelindo, empowering the economy of MSMEs.”, Guna concluded.