Jakarta, April 12th, 2022 – IPC Terminal Petikemas/IPC TPK held a series of Corporate Social Responsibility programs to welcome the holy month of Ramadan 1443H, one of which is the IPC TPK Berbagi Berkah Ramadhan 1443 H program by distributing 500 packages of basic needs. IPC TPK collaborated with PIP Unit IPC TPK (Persatuan Istri Pegawai Pelindo Unit IPC TPK) and the distribution of assistance was symbolically carried out by Irwan Favoriet, the Director of Finance and HR of IPC TPK.
The CEO of IPC TPK stated that this activity is part of the routine TJSL program carried out every year during the holy month of Ramadan as a form of the company’s commitment to carrying out social obligations. The distribution of basic needs is expected to help meet the basic needs of the community during Ramadan as well as alleviate the burden on the community amidst the decrease in purchasing power due to the increase in the prices of basic needs as well as the increase in fuel prices.
The assistance was distributed to security and cleaning workers at the port, orphanages, and the community around the IPC TPK environment. The distribution of aid was carried out at the IPC TPK Headquarters by implementing health protocols and avoiding crowds, prioritizing collective safety. The distributed packages contained 5 kg of rice, 2 liters of cooking oil, sugar, and instant noodles.
“IPC TPK is committed to continuing the TJSL program based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Hopefully, the distribution of basic needs assistance can provide benefits for the recipients,” said Wahyu, the CEO of IPC TPK.
The President Director of IPC TPK stated that this activity is part of the Social and Environmental Responsibility program that is routinely carried out every year in the holy month of Ramadan as a form of the company’s commitment to fulfilling its social obligations. The distribution of basic necessities is expected to help meet the needs of the community during Ramadan and alleviate the burden of the community amid the declining purchasing power of the community due to the increase in the prices of basic necessities as well as the increase in oil and fuel prices.
The aid is distributed to security and cleaning workers at the port, orphanages, and the community around IPC TPK’s environment. The distribution of aid is carried out at the IPC TPK Central Office by implementing health protocols and avoiding crowds while prioritizing safety together. The packages distributed consist of 5 kg of rice, 2 liters of cooking oil, sugar, and instant noodles.
“IPC TPK is committed to continuing the TJSL program based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Hopefully, the distribution of basic necessities can provide benefits to the recipients,” Wahyu concluded.