• August 9, 2023

Jakarta, 9 August 2023 – IPC Terminal Petikemas/IPC TPK in collaboration with Pelindo Group organized soft skills training and competency certification from the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) for hundreds of youth in the Tanjung Priok area. Running for 5 months since January 2023, this soft skills training and certification activity is intended to be able to improve the competence of young people of productive age from various regions in Tanjung Priok. The soft skills training organized includes fields that are in high demand such as Digital Marketing, Graphic Design and Intermediate Computer Operators.

President Director of IPC TPK, Guna Mulyana said that the main objective of organizing this training and certification program is to facilitate the community in obtaining both formal and non-formal education so that they can have soft skills and competencies in facing the world of work that requires digital skills. This program is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Economic Development Pillar number 10 related to Reduced Inequality, especially the community around Tanjung Priok Port.

The training and certification program is a follow-up to the Joint CSR Pelindo Group which has been going on since 2020, where 10 Pelindo subsidiaries collaborate in encouraging the competence of out-of-school children through formal and informal education. In its implementation, Pelindo Group collaborated with the Cilincing Muhammadiyah Youth Branch as the initiator.

“We appreciate the support of IPC TPK and Pelindo Group in this program. The number of unemployed people is the background for us to initiate this program. This program is the first time in Cilincing area. The hope is that participants can improve their skills and be ready to work. Alhamdulillah, this program has been completed and some of the participants have found new jobs with their certifications,” said Rizki, Chairman of Muhammadiyah Youth Branch Cilincing.

Nowadays, the world of work requires prospective workers to have digital skills. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), in February 2023 there were still 7.99 million unemployed people in Indonesia. This figure is 5.45 percent of the total labor force per year of 146.62 million workers.

The training was attended by 140 (one hundred and forty) people from the Kalibaru, Kebon Bawang and Koja areas. The learning process was conducted in a hybrid manner with the background of most participants being unemployed and daily casual workers. After receiving training for 3 months, participants participated in mentoring and certification assessments conducted by BNSP. A total of 81 (eighty-one) of them passed the certification. The results of the assessment conducted by the committee, BNSP assessors and trainers include training materials, methods used, qualifications of trainers (instructors) and trainees.

“It is hoped that the training and certification that has been carried out as an effort to fulfill community competencies so that they have the independence to master knowledge and skills, increase motivation by mastering knowledge and skills and have a sense of belonging and can contribute in facing the world of work.” explained Guna.

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